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Sara Cagle
Sep 22, 20206 min read
10 life lessons from 14 months in Italy
Well, I’m back home in the U.S. after spending a little over a year in Florence, Italy, where I fulfilled my dream of going to culinary...

Sara Cagle
Jun 30, 20204 min read
10 fun facts from a month on a farm
If there’s anything I’ve done more times during my month of WWOOFing than hug the Bernese mountain dogs or squint out at Florence in...

Sara Cagle
May 10, 20204 min read
Thoughts after a week in Phase 2
Last Friday I took my first walk in nearly two months. It was May 1, and the Italian government announced that people would be finally...

Sara Cagle
Apr 19, 20205 min read
The big and little things I'm grateful for during the lockdown
I’ve been joking (or not so joking) to my friends and family that we all need things to look forward to these days. For some people (my...

Sara Cagle
Apr 3, 20206 min read
The friends I never knew I'd meet in culinary school
Olive Garden’s slogan used to be, “When you’re here, you’re family.” It suggests that your meal isn’t just about the food; it’s about who...

Sara Cagle
Feb 26, 20205 min read
Four little decisions that made Copenhagen my best-ever solo trip
I am not good at Dance Dance Revolution, playing poker, or tying knots, but I am very good, I've learned, at solo traveling. Some of my...

Sara Cagle
Nov 15, 20195 min read
It sure feels good being useless
I usually feel guilty about doing nothing. It seems like doing nothing (i.e. watching TV, reading a book, lying down on my bed and...

Sara Cagle
Aug 15, 20194 min read
Thanks, Eat Pray Love, for teaching me how to be kind to myself while learning Italian
At the risk of sounding dramatic and about 13 years late to the party, reading the Italy portion of Eat Pray Love — while living in,...
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